Experience The Touch Of God For Completeness


This is a vision given by God to enhance completeness in every aspect of our lives. We can be balanced as Children, Teens, Youths, Spinster, Bachelors, Couple, Family

It is geared at helping us live a balanced life, Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally, Morally, Financially, e.t.c.

In this Series we have ;

  1. The Balanced Wife
  2. The Balanced Woman
  3. The Balanced Mother
  4. The Balanced Pastor Wife
  5. The Balanced Spinster
  6. The Balanced Teenage Girl
  7. The Balanced Friend
  8. The Balanced Toddler
  9. The Balanced Child
  10. The Balanced Daughter
  11. The Balanced Daughter-in-law
  12. The Balanced Mother-in-law
  13. The Balanced Teenage Boy
  14. The Balanced Son
  15. The Balanced Brother
  16. The Balanced Brother-in-law
  17. The Balanced Sister-in-law
  18. The Balanced Sister
  19. The Balanced Bachelor
  20. The Balanced Husband
  21. The Balanced Father
  22. The Balanced Father-in-law
  23. The Balanced Son-in-law
  24. The Balanced Pastor
  25. The Balanced Family
These Series help the individual live a balanced life at every given stage in life as intended by God.
It is also intended for the Liberation of people living below the standard of the original intention of the creator of life. 
It also teaches us how to live a standard life as intended by the Lord and to deliver restoration into our Hands.

Be Expectant!!!

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