September 2020 Day 4 - The Balanced Meal - Daily Diet


Securing Divine Presence Through Praise

Ps 22:3

3 But You are holy, O You Who dwell in [the holy place where] the praises of Israel [are offered]. 


Ps 22:3 
3 But you are enthroned as the Holy One,
the one whom Israel praises. 

Nothing moves God, like Praise and Worship. Praise, which most time is born out of intense appreciation (Thanksgiving) provokes Divine attention.

God's presence is domicile in praise, mortal men dwell in houses but God dwells in praise. Ps. 22:3. We need to understand the importance of divine presence so that we can appreciate the fact that praise is a key to keep within our reach. 

  • Ps. 114:7 - The Presence of God makes obstacles to bow.
  • 2 Cor. 3:17 - The Presence of God brings Liberty - Freedom from bondage.
  • Ps. 91:1 - The Presence of God brings Divine Protection
This is to mention but a few of them.

Praise is a key to be kept within the reach of every child of God. It is not what should be searched for before it is found. Any child of God who operates the key of Praise regularly is a carrier of Divine Presence and is unbeatable in the challenges of life.

Praise is meant to be a lifestyle. Just as a fish cannot survive outside of water, God cannot survive outside of Praise. Since we need God, we must embrace Praise.

Evil Presence is dispelled by the power of Praise. 1 Sam. 16:23 because whenever God is present and arises his enemies scatter. Ps. 68:1

The greatest events of our lives won't need more than Divine Presence which is provoked by heartfelt Praise. God does fearful acts in Praise. Ex. 15:11. Paul and Silas understood this and engaged the key of Praise to secure God's Presence in their situation. They knew it will only take Divine Intervention to come out of their prison. Acts 16:23-40. Divine Intervention cannot occur without Divine Presence and there is no Divine Presence without Praise.


  1. RIGHTEOUSNESS - Avoid Sin. You must live holy to be able to render the Praise that will attract God's attention. Hab. 1:13.
  2. A MERRY HEART - Until you are joyful you cannot render quality Praise. Quality Praise is from the heart. James 5:13. "Is any merry? let him sing psalms." KJV. A merry heart will always burst into Praise.
  3. BE THANKFUL - Always be grateful for every good thing God has done for you. Until you appreciate God and you are filled with gratitude you cannot enter into praise. Ps.100:4
  4. TESTIMONIES - Remember His acts, His wonders in your life and in the life of others. This will motivate you into praise.
  5. BE IN THE SPIRIT - Praise should be a thing done in the Spirit, not in the flesh. Many are in Church praising God so that they can be noticed either for their dance steps, new clothes, position in Church or to gain the attention of the pastor. Praise alone in the flesh cannot attract Divine Presence. John 4:24


Father, give me the Garment of Praise, the oil of gladness, that I will praise and worship you in Spirit and truth in Jesus Name. Amen.


I decree that as you give God heartfelt Praise today His Presence will manifest in your life and all barriers and obstacles will crumble in Jesus Name.

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