Keep Fit - The Balanced Health


Healthy Living

Be balanced physically, psychologically, emotionally. 

Bodily exercise Profiteth little....

In this maiden edition, we shall be discussing the importance of healthy living in enhancing a balanced life.

Studies have shown that a lot of people are balanced in their career, they are excelling and have risen to the top in their field, they are financially balanced, can afford the type of accommodation of their choice, the kind of food they like, they don't wear clothes based on what is available but rather they choose what they like to wear per time but yet they spend so much to stay healthy. Their health is not balanced.

It has been discovered that ignorance of the importance of healthy living is a principal cause of this. This session will educate us on how to be balanced in our health. There are various principles that one may have to apply to bring about a healthy balanced life and we shall be looking into them in each series.

Let us take a look at:



What exactly does the word Detoxification mean? Let us quickly look at the word DETOX  to help us understand Detoxification. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition puts it this way

The process of removing harmful substances from your body by only eating and drinking particular things.

The American English Dictionary defines DETOXIFICATION as

The process of removing toxins.

 TOXIN  is a toxic or poisonous substance produced by the biological processes of biological organisms.

The Word Toxic is 

Having a chemical nature that is harmful to health if consumed or otherwise entering into the body in sufficient quantities.

We live on toxic earth, Toxic chemicals are released into the air daily, this pollutes the air and that is the same air we breathe into our body. Some of these chemicals are pollutants released from our INCINERATORS, CARBON MONOXIDE from the exhaust of our  CARS, BUSES, TRAINS, PLANES e.t.c we also have INDUSTRIAL AIR POLLUTION, INSECTICIDES, CHEMICALS FOR PRODUCTION e.t.c.

Industrial Air pollution 

Air Pollution from Car Exhaust

Other causes of toxins in the body include processed food containing food additives, sweeteners, flavourings, colouring agents, bleaching agents, preservatives, emulsifiers texturized e.t.c.


One of the best ways to detoxify is through the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. They protect and support your body against foreign invaders and toxic chemicals that could lead to cancer.


 The benefit of fresh juicing is that the body can absorb the live nutrients directly into the bloodstream.




  • 1 head fennel chopped
  • 1/4 Green Apple
  • 3 cups purple cabbage chopped


  1. Wash all fruit and vegetables
  2. Run through a juicer
  3. Pour in a glass and drink


The Purple cabbage has a vibrant beautiful colour. It tastes quite sweet when juiced. Cabbage is a master healer to the gut and digestive system. It contains photo nutrient which cleanses the kidney and also guards against cancer.

Join us in the next edition for other health tips and more recipe.

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