September 2020 Day 3 - The Balanced Meal - Daily Diet


God's Word is Medicine

Prov 4:20-22

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.


The above scripture tells us that every problem in life has its solution in God's word.

Life and health can find a never-failing remedy in God's Word. 

The earth was without form and void, shapeless, useless before creation but at the instance of the word of God solution came. The shapeless world had a form and became useful and because of that, it is inhabited today. Gen. 1:1-

This shows that God's word has the creative power and cure for every physical, spiritual, financial, career, marital, emotional e.t.c challenges. His words are Spirit and Life. John 6:63.

Therefore God's Word is God's medicine for your faith. It is a never-failing remedy for any situation or circumstances that might come your way in life including sickness and disease.

Prov 4:22

22 ...are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.


That is, God's Words are full of life and healing. 


  1. Prov 4:20. "...attend to my words..." KJV. You need to give God's Word undivided attention. Undivided attention means you make it your priority, put out all the distractions that will rob you, out of your heart. Put God's Word first.
  2. Prov 4:20. "...incline thine ear unto my sayings." KJV. You need to regularly hear His word. It is not a one-off thing. You are to hear continuously the Word of God according to Rom. 10:17. When you hear continuously and you incline your ear unto His saying it, therefore, means you will shut the doors of your ears to every other saying contrary to God's saying like fear, doubt, unbelief, e.t.c
NOTE: That God's word is not only a remedy to physical health challenges but also to every other type of challenge you may be passing through such as financial, marital, career, emotional, spiritual challenges.

  1. SEARCHING - You must take time to search out God's word that is relevant to that issue through the study of God's Word. John 8:32, Prov. 4:20.
  2. MEDITATION - After locating the relevant scripture you must meditate on God's Word. Meditation is the act of pondering on God's Word. Keep His word in your heart. Prov. 4:21
  3. PRAYER - You pray the word you have found knowing that God's Word cannot fail and that God can not lie. Titus 1:2. His Word will not return to Him void. Is. 55:11. The Scriptures cannot be broken. Ps. 82:6.
With this understanding, you can take hold of God's medicine to cure any challenging area of your life.

Father, I thank you because I know that You are not a man that You should lie, neither are You the Son of Man that You should repent, have You said it and will You not make it good? Lord, therefore, I ask that by your mercies, let every force of darkness fighting my glorious destiny be bound and uprooted now in Jesus Name. Amen.

I decree that God's Word will work in your hands and for you today in Jesus Name.

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