October 2020 Day 9 - The Balanced Meal - Daily Diet


Image with woman preaching to another woman in the background with a man holding a bible in the background. Image has text; Soul winning - a key to divine presence

Matt 28:19-20

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


From the above scriptures, there are four main points to note;

  1. Go ye (move)
  2. Make disciples of all nations (Evangelism)
  3. Baptize them
  4. Teach them to observe

I will be with you or I am with you.

 Soul-winning or Evangelism is a Call to Service in this kingdom. It is not a sole prerogative of Pastors or General Overseers.

Jesus himself came and spoke to them saying they should not just be contented that they have met the saviour, or that they are saved but should go out and share with the unsaved to get them saved.

Who is to win soul and evangelize?

Everybody - John 15:16

You are ordained to bring forth fruit - That fruit is to win souls, not just bringing the soul but that they should abide.

God has committed the reconciliation Ministry into the hands of the saved. As Christians, we are meant to be channels to bring the lost to him. 2 Cor. 5:18-20. Until you bring forth fruit, that is, win soul, you don't abide. John 15:1-2

When Do I Bring Forth Fruit? 

Always - Rev. 22:1-3 talks about yielding fruits monthly.


  1. You have to be reconciled first with God - You need to be born again.
  2. You should be baptized by immersion.
  3. You need to be baptized in the Holy Ghost. Acts 1:8, then you will receive power to be a witness.
  4. Live by example - As a Christian, deny yourself of worldliness. Matt. 16:24-26.
  5. Live a holy life - Whatever will take you away from Heaven, avoid it. Matt. 18:9.
  6. Don't allow your lifestyle, character, words lead others away from Heaven. Matt. 18:7.

Before you can win souls, you must make sure you are genuinely saved and fully baptized in the HolyGhost.

  1. You go out as written. Matt. 28:19.
  2. Tell the unsaved about Jesus.
  3. Pray for the people you witness to.
  4. Invite them to Church.
  5. Make sure they are established.
  6. Trust God to bring them.
  7. Encourage them to be established in the Church.
When you bring them, and as they are being established, you are sure of Divine Presence. He said, "I will be with you". When God is with you, you are Divinely preserved, you are protected and exempted from evil.


Father, give me the grace to live a life that will bring glory and honour to your name. Oh Lord, give me the boldness I need to witness and lead me to the harvest that is ripe in Jesus Name.


I decree that the grace and anointing to be enlisted as a labourer in God's kingdom is released upon you in Jesus Name.

Please feel free to share your testimony in the comment section below or contact us at dbalancedseriesintl@gmail.com 

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