September 2020 Day 10 - The Balanced Meal - Daily Diet


Hindrances To Answered Prayers

James 4:3

3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.


God is neither partial nor selective in his dealings with us as human beings. This is a reality we must come to terms with. When our prayers seem not to have answers we need to check what could be responsible for it, but certainly not negligence on God's part.

God is not a respecter of persons but He is a respecter of His principles. He said he will not break his word nor alter the thing that has gone forth out of his mouth.

He said in Jer. 1:12 that He is ready to perform His word and Matt. 7:7 says ask and you shall receive.

So the question is Why do I ask and not receive?

That is what we shall be discussing today by His grace. Our anchor scripture says "some ask and don't receive."


Yes, some ask and don't receive it because there are hindrances.

Hindrance - is something that makes it difficult to accomplish, to frustrate or acts as an obstacle.

To hinder - is to keep or delay.

What keeps back answers to our prayers or delays the answers to our prayers - here are some of them

  1. Praying but your heart is not inside - Jer. 29:12-13

When you pray to God He says He will listen to you, and you will seek him and find him when you engage the totality of your heart.

So many people say something to God with their mouths and think about something else with their hearts. You must involve your heart in your prayer. Your words must agree with your thought, otherwise, you are not qualified for an answer.

The heart is for believing so it must agree with what the mouth is saying. With the heart man believeth. Rom. 10:10a

God cannot break his principles, when your heart is not agreeing with your prayers you are praying amiss.

Jam. 1:6-7. When your heart is saying something different from your mouth you are not operating faith but doubt. 

Vs 6 says

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.


 Ask in faith and 

Vs 7

7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.


 That kind of person cannot receive anything from the Lord.


  1. Let your heart agree with your request - build up your expectations. Be expectant of your request.


Father, I ask for mercies for all the times I prayed amiss and I ask for the spirit of faith in Jesus name.


I pray that you receive Grace to build your faith by studying God's word regularly in Jesus name. 

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