DAY 5 - The Balanced Meal - Daily Diet


Jer 33:2-3
2 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Let us define the word ANSWER so as to be able to digest today's meal and to get all the nutritional benefits it carries. 
The Oxford Dictionary defines ANSWER as;
  1. Something that you say, write or do to react to a question or situation.
  2. A solution to a problem.
  3. Something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test, an exam, or an exercise.
This, therefore, means No Question, No answer.
There are different ways of putting a question across, talking, as in a conversation, or writing it down to be read. But in all, from our anchor scripture whenever you call, ask, e.t.c, your ANSWER IS GUARANTEED.

Now, If No Question, No answer, what then do we mean by Question.
Question; in this context, is talking to God - either by calling Him to intervene, show, reveal something, or even remind Him of His promises.
When you call or talk to God, you are praying.


Prayer is a spiritual channel for connecting with the help of God from above. Heb. 4:16
There are many areas of our lives where we need the help of God, it could be spiritual, material, financial, or emotional e.t.c.
To see ANSWER we must call on Him i.e Pray.
Prayer, therefore, brings God's timely help because you can only access God's help through prayer. He says "Call to me and I will answer you" so it, therefore, means TO BE PRAYERLESS IS TO BE HELPLESS.

  1. Abide in Him - John 15:7
    • Until you abide in Him your prayers will not be answered even if you ask.
  2. Let God's word abide in you - John 15:7
    • God's word must dwell in you richly before you can call to get an answer.
    • When you abide - You stay connected always. No branch disconnects from a tree and still produces fruit. It is not how much you cry or the degree of your situation or problems that will bring your answer but how well connected you are to the source (The Tree)- God. Your connection to your source (God) is your heart. Prov. 23:26

Lord, I connect with you, take over my heart. Plant me in your Vine Yard. I abide in you and your word abides in me today and always in Jesus Name.

Prophetic Utterance
I decree that the Zeal of the Lord will consume you and your heart will pant after God as the deer pants after the Water Brooks in Jesus Name. So shall it be in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. Thank You, Lord.

Daily Diet;
Ps. 21:1-end to Ps. 25:1-end and Prov. 5.

Jesus Is Lord.

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