DAY 2 - The Balanced Meal - Daily Diet


Gen 39:9
9 There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?
The devil knew about the great destiny of Joseph and he was all out to stop him from fulfilling destiny. The only way to stop Joseph was to create an obstacle that will hinder him from fulfilling destiny.

There are different kinds of obstacles;

  1. Sin as the case of Joseph. (Gen. 39:9)
  2. Pleasures as the case of Daniel. (Dan. 1:8)
  3. Food as the case of Esau. (Gen. 25:30-34)

These men faced all manner of temptations like the temptations you see today. It is only Godliness that helps to overcome them. Godliness helped Joseph and Daniel to escape the enemy's trap which was an obstacle to the fulfillment of their destiny.

What is Godliness - Godliness is living a life that pleases God. You cannot please God until you embrace the fear of the Lord.
The fear of the Lord will enable you to be godly and keep you away from everything that can contaminate your relationship with God.
Godliness is the shock absorber against the wiles of the devil in the day of temptation.
The obstacles will always present themselves on your journey to a glorious destiny in the form of pleasure, opportunity but this is meant to stop that destiny not to hasten it.
Joseph could have sold his Prime Minister seat for a little pleasure or what seemed like an opportunity to have the boss's wife to himself, while Daniel could have lost his position as the 3rd man in Babylon to the delicacies in the king's palace but because of Godliness, reverence for God and the Fear of the Lord they overcame and eventually arrived destiny.
Godliness will help you overcome all the obstacles that are in the world today.

  1. The Fear of the Lord - Prov. 8:13
  2. Righteousness - Prov. 14:34
  3. Constant prayer for Grace - 1 Cor. 12:9
  4. Seek God's kingdom - Matt. 6:33

Father, I will fear you and hate evil henceforth so I can live a righteous life.

Daily Reading;
Ps. 6:1-end to Ps. 10:1-end and Prov. 2.

Prophetic Utterance
(2 Chron. 20:20)
I decree that God will release the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord upon you in Jesus Name. Amen.

Jesus Is Lord.

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